Tuesday, May 26, 2009

semester exam

click here to see doc
2006 Korea does a test on missile technology saying they were transporting a communication device they lost they cargo that they were carrying it must of fell or got damage on the way to were they were going, and Obama says that they wont get away with transporting the device that can get people and them selves into trouble which it is not good trouble, Korea was also in a war about a couple of mouths ago or weeks, and they say they are transporting communication and luckily the thing is dead or bye bye u.s....

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

channel one new 5/19/2009

shooting is Chicago 36 kids killed people want to leave,

most killed with gunsafter 3:00 guns fired 70 gangs tough gun law

repair jod in space up grade in soace 5-10 years for the next 5years

21 sign for credit card .

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

channel one new 5/13/2009

monday shuttle takes off

second rescue shuttle takes off

to help the first shuttle that took off

earthquake hit china

90,000 people died

army solution

to join the army you need to be in shape

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Chanel one news5/6/09

obama give a school a new look he makes it way cooler not such A bad look

eather; poeple evacuating in pacastan, poeple are making sure that poeple in pacastan

22000 girls

Monday, May 4, 2009

channel one new 5/4/2009


very dangerous

do not use

damage liver

kidney failure

TEENAGER dead linked to hydroxycut


keep taking procotions


u.s casses mild 1 death


60 poeple in building